e v e l y n *

Monday, August 22, 2005

new skin.

i've jus changed my skin. nice rite? hehe. do comment pls. thx ^.^ in geo test today, i was fidgeting all abt and so worried.. i thot today get back the test.. den realised it wasnt.. dunnoe if is good or not.. in amath it was super shit. and is S-H-I-T. i jus dun lyk dat mr ng. so wad even if u r the teacher? =P we got to noe our progress card for amath and emath..ok. i wasnt happy abt it. i jus didnt noe y lorr.. i guess seeing my emath marks den i lyk... arghhhhhh. it's so so lousy lorr... onli 53. b'cos of my trigo test i tink.. b'cos fail badly.. lyk so ashamed lyk dat.. and my amath marks is.. 90. hehe. =) [humble] and to someone frm ur class: be it u used to be closed now or in the past. if we USED to be close, den u shld noe i hate those ppl who tag w/o their names. since u didnt noe, den i feel we arent dat close either. even if u noe, den wad the hell are u doin? and to des: errr.. it's alrite. wad's frens r for? i dun tink jus b'cos of a passing comment we will quarrel.. den our 3yrs of frenship = nth? definately not for me. =)